AFTER CARE | Everlastnailsbotany
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How to take care of your nails?

Avoid water and chemicals

Minimize prolonged contact with water and harsh chemicals, as they can weaken and damage your nails.

Regular maintenance

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Keep your hands and nails hydrated by applying cuticle oil or hand cream regularly. Moisturized nails are less prone to chipping and breaking.

Avoid acetone-based products

Limit the use of acetone-based nail polish removers, as they can dry out and weaken your nails.

Wear gloves

When doing household chores or activities that involve contact with chemicals or rough surfaces, wear gloves to protect your nails.

Be gentle

Avoid using your nails as tools to open packages or perform tasks that may cause stress or breakage.


At Everlastnailsbotany, we prioritize professionalism, safety, and hygiene. Despite our efforts, infections may occur due to various factors. We maintain strict cleanliness by following daily, weekly, and monthly cleaning routines, using disposable kits and liners, and implementing thorough sterilization and disinfection procedures.

Infections may exhibit symptoms such as pain, swelling, tenderness around the nail, red and warm skin, and the formation of pus-filled abscesses. Common causes include lifting or breaking of artificial nails, cuts, hangnails, ingrown nails, and nailbed or cuticle trauma from accidents or nail-biting.

If you experience any symptoms of infection, we recommend soaking the affected area in warm water multiple times a day and keeping it dry after showers. Seeking medical attention from your healthcare provider is essential for proper evaluation and treatment.


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